My creative journey began with a passion for fine art, nurtured from a young age. I was always creative, and as a kid, my favorite class in school was usually art. In my youth I followed along with Bob Ross, painting trees, mountains, and lakes with my oil paints on canvas. As I matured, I moved on to be influenced by Chuck Close and hyper-realistic art styles. In college I was first introduced to printmaking while studying graphic design at Shepherd University. I didn’t appreciate the medium then, as I do now, but those printmaking classes ignited a spark that has slowly burned in my creative phyche for many years.

Throughout my 22-year career as a professional graphic designer and illustrator, I’ve continued to evolve creatively. Now, I find myself drawn back to my artistic origins. Linocut art prints offer me a unique blend of my technical design expertise with the freedom of organic creativity, resulting in visually unique and interesting designs. Each piece I create is infused with inspiration from my experiences and reflects the aesthetics and subject matter that resonates with me.

Welcome to my site; I’m thrilled to share my art with you. I hope that my prints bring you joy and enhance and decorate your space. Thank you for your support and for joining me on this artistic journey.
